Lost in Translation - Tokyo, Park Hyatt and Shibuya
2016. január 24. írta: világevő

Lost in Translation - Tokyo, Park Hyatt and Shibuya

The most effective hotel advertisement in a movie (Sofia Coppola's Lost in translation (2003)) was not even welcomed by the hotel!
[magyar változat]

If you are looking for fans of the movie in Tokyo, you can easily find them in the iconic Shibuya crossing. Among the thousands of  hurrying locals you will always spot some gaijins (foreigners) who act rather strange with some cameras, tripods, selfie sticks, disturbing the even flow of busy people.

You will also find the statue of Hachiko here, the most faithful dog, by the way, he's got his own movie already... Don't miss the obligatory selfies with him!

This is the crossing as shown on the movie:

And another iconic part of the movie with strong culinary connections: Bill Murray advertising Suntory whisky!

But the greatest fans are heading for the Park Hyatt Tokyo, playing the main role in the movie. So did I, and of course also had a tasting kaiseki menu at the hotel's Japanese restaurant, Kozue. The views and the foods are great, eventhough this time I missed the view of the Mt. Fuji.

This is it (photo taken from another hotel (Park Hotel Tokyo)):2016-01-14.jpg

The whole movie seems to be a very well made advertisement for the hotel, but the reality is totally different. When Sofia Coppola presented her plans to the management, they turned her down, thought it would be an indie movie, not worth to disturb their guests for such a minor occasion. But she didn't give up, offered to pay all their expenses and even accepted to just use the public spaces at night: from 12:30 AM to 5:30 in the morning! So finally the hotel accepted, and is enjoying the after effects ever since...

The New York bar now, used for a simple buffet lunch instead of hosting actors:

And some other snapshots from the hotel, spa and gym, etc.

You probably also remember the elevator and the lobby scene as well... 

And this is the kaiseki lunch in Kozue:

And more...

The website of the hotel.

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